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Our Mission

The Scholé Fellowship is dedicated to the homeschooling family, enthusiastically partnering with parents for the intentional purposes of inspiring children to think critically, reason clearly, and communicate persuasively and eloquently, while simultaneously helping them to develop a strong Christian worldview.


The word schole (pronounced skoh-LAY) comes from a Greek word that means “restful learning,” with a connotation of “contemplation,” “conversation,” and “reflection.”

Scholé Groups are homeschooling communities that not only employ the content of a classical curriculum, but they also try to create an environment that allows for and encourages restful reflection of what is being studied. 

Our Scholé Group of Knoxville, Tennessee is part of a network of Scholé Groups across North America. 


Classical education is a liturgy of love and should be aimed at forming a certain type of person: wise, virtuous, and eloquent. We use the time-honored, unified, and fully integrated liberal arts curriculum and pedagogy to develop a child’s character and to nurture his humanity. The curriculum, employed within a community of like-minded homeschooling families, is a survey of the best spiritual, intellectual, and cultural traditions of our Western Christian heritage.


Education is a spiritual endeavor and we desire to be a community of practice— ordering our time together, our gathering spaces, and our habits—so that our children learn to love what is lovely. At The Schole Fellowship, the starting and ending point for all studies is the Word of God. We trust that by avoiding the temptation to use classical curriculum for utilitarian ends, God will inspire our children’s minds, tune their hearts, and transform their souls. Because of His faithfulness, they will learn to love His Truth and to seek His Truth in love.


Excellence in academics need not be frenetic. As an official Schole Group, we encourage one another to teach our children from peace, with the absence of anxiety. Instead, together we pursue enjoyable and memorable learning. In community, we dig deep into classical subjects, while also allowing valuable time for our students to contemplate and discuss the big ideas they have discovered within them. Providing opportunity for such deep engagement results in enjoyable, permanent learning which, we believe, instills a life-long love of learning.